@jeffsussna @sallamar It turns out that money originally was just an abstract unit to measure debt: https://t.co/SeyIw7eOdv


@jeffsussna @sallamar And trying to figure out a better explanation than the historically inaccurate myth of barter is quite complicated: https://t.co/SG71nTakIa


@jeffsussna @sallamar And coins/cash was used to simplifying the logistics of feeding and province supplies for an army: https://t.co/2jksF2jmsA


Almost a year later, I remain highly sceptical of audio-only rooms. But if you really want to try one, use @Twitter Spaces. If you are reading this, you already have all you need. It’s frictionless. Not a new app to download, not a new provider to share data with, big audience.


1/ One too-often forgotten dynamic: the success of an infrastructure-focused company with an emerging tech invariably depends on the success of that tech at the application level.


2/ Ex: who decides to make tooling for #AI is doomed to fail if AI doesn’t deliver in relevant business cases.


3/ You can create all the amazing data pipelines and ML platforms you want but if #AI disappoints in use cases that matter for the LoB people (that know nothing about AI/ML) your days are numbered.


4/ That’s why it’s against the best interests of infrastructure-focused companies to blindly focus on their comfort zone and ignore things like industry verticals, business metrics, non-tech users.

Replace #AI with any emerging tech. The mistake is endlessly repeated.


The top hat emerged in Western fashion by the end of the 18th century (when gentlemen started replacing their tricorne with it). It declined by the time of the counterculture of the 1960s.

I bet many couldn’t see the appeal or value of the top hat and assumed it would be a fad.


“You can count on one hand the number of teams in the world that could create something like that,” said John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, which found the malware and brought it to Apple’s attention.
