@GaryMarcus For him to say so, it means that they already found “new ideas”. He’s preparing the ground. Well-established playbook.


I understand that it takes time to fix a mess, @elonmusk, but it’s frustrating that I’m trying to give you money & you don’t want it. It’s been like this since day 1 (meanwhile, price has gone up). Opening a case with @TwitterSupport has done nothing. They even closed the case. https://t.co/YkL5KJxyNH


Suggestion for @soren_iverson:

A browser extension that integrates with your post submission form on Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook and, as you type, it tells you “Don’t bother. It’s been already posted and 92% of your network already read it. Stop polluting timelines.”


Collage Diffusion is so good that it’s now the official model I use to create the covers of Synthetic Work.

Thank you, @wavymulder!

(I didn’t have covers at all before. I was waiting for the right inspiration)

Here’s an example:


1/ I always smile when, on social media, I read people say “I’ll never read/watch/listen to something that is AI generated”. It’s not how it will work. You will consume AI-generated content without even realizing it. In fact, the least you want to know about AI, the more likely:


2/ So far, I’m personally aware of:

– a top publisher that generates articles
– a product manager in a top IT vendor that generates press announcements
– a well-known photographer that generates portraits for his portfolio

None disclosing to their customers they are using AI.