I think it was FireChat. It doesn’t exist anymore (or at least it’s not accessible from the UK iOS App Store).


When it happened in Egypt, I remember people started using a P2P messaging app. What was the name?


Russia blocks access to Facebook and Twitter.

I am thinking about Egypt right now.


Numenta is the true contrarian of #AI. Both the book A Thousand Brains and videos of Jeff Hawkins like the one below are must-read/watch. https://t.co/a9tZs9MGt2


RT @Numenta: Jeff recently did a fireside chat on A Thousand Brains for the @_DigitalFUTURES lecture series on #AI, #Neuroscience and #Arch…


1/ I said it multiple times: I believe #AI-assisted code editors will be one of the biggest revolutions in software development. More than anything, I think about people that have never developed before and feel too intimidated to try, missing a life-changing career opportunity.


2/ But, after trying both the @OpenAI Codex sandbox and the @Github #Copilot plug-in for @Code, it’s clear that we are far from the ideal state.

I welcome any research that could move us forward. Like this one, from @CarnegieMellon:



Case in point about the 1/9/90 heuristic. After publishing this thread, I received this. The nicest message of 2022. https://t.co/8u4EGibJWd