(shout-out to @readwiseio – one of the best services I used in 2021 and surely over the last 30 years)


The way we value companies today is clearly inadequate to represent what matters in a business world powered by software, AI, brand influence over content creators and open source contributors. Going forward, if VR & crypto companies take hold, that way will turn into misleading. https://t.co/LM1apoo7Wk


@mattliebowitz I wouldn’t recommend ALL of them, but some definitely are must-read.



As always, I’d like to have the time to read more. Nonetheless, I’ve been lucky: some of these books were exceptional and expanded my reasoning, not just my knowledge. https://t.co/MSmIwzz5kO


@jeffsussna @sallamar Chapter 4: within a community, anything could function as money. https://t.co/Ml2gKwOs3a