What is the most interesting academic paper you have read in 2022?

(I’m especially interested in papers about #AI, #Finance, #Neuroscience, or #Art, but I’m curious about any topic)


What is the most interesting academic paper you have read in 2022?

(I’m especially interested in papers about #AI, #Finance, #Art, but I’m curious about any topic)


The #metaverse. How it’s sold to you vs how it is:

(seen on Instagram today) https://t.co/bzgtEl56G2


On Reddit

“I’m a photographer incorporating #stablediffusion into my workflow. My main use right now is inpainting, but I’ve read about photographers creating/replicating entire photoshoots via SD, based on a custom, photorealistic model of the particular model they’re shooting”


Now imagine a horde of vocal photographers boycotting this under the hashtag #NoAIPhoto


RT @paulg: It would be funny if as AI technology progressed, the legal situation tightened so that they were only trainable on images that…


These incredible images are generated by #GenerativeAI. @siberiagur released a fine-tuned version of #stablediffusion 1.5 (not even 2.1) called Cinematic Diffusion.

Available for free here: https://t.co/krPXMvUnj7

Now you understand what’s happening? https://t.co/2gz6NSaeJa


Change 6 – Done.

The final one of 2022. The transformation is complete.




“got access to the public alpha of Notion AI yesterday, and within 2 hours I had used prompt injection to obtain the complete source prompts of every Notion AI feature”

Reverse Prompt Engineering for Fun and (no) Profit https://t.co/CtdoIrF6WE https://t.co/21irkncCvE