“On May 18, thousands of software developers in China woke up to find that their open-source code hosted on Gitee, a state-backed Chinese competitor to the international code repository platform GitHub, had been locked and hidden from public view.”



from the same article:

“For the code to be made public again, developers need to submit an application and confirm it doesn’t contain anything that violates Chinese law or infringes copyrights.”

Open [after policy and legal review] source.


I know you want to:

“PimEyes found photos of every person, some that the journalists had never seen before, even when they were wearing sunglasses or a mask, or their face was turned away from the camera, in the image used to conduct the search.”

https://t.co/YOGJuJ19iN https://t.co/cE4a9r9ZyB


Something to keep in mind while you wait for the #WWDC: Apple released Siri in Oct 2011 and, in mid 2022, I still have to repeat “Add X to the shopping list” twice because the first time I get warned “I don’t see an app for that.”

10 years.


The emerging open source versions of Dall-E 2 and Imagen are great, but the complexity to set up the system and do local training are still enormous for a non-technical person.

There’s still a big adoption barrier for artists that want to explore but can’t afford a paid service.


RT @PyTorchPractice: Implementation of Imagen, Google’s Text-to-Image Neural Network, in Pytorch https://t.co/r9fQAqWzU6 #deeplearning #mac…


And this is why I pay the subscription to the @nytimes. Set aside hours to read through this astonishing investigative work.

Haiti’s Lost Billions
https://t.co/56q8Z0kbXR https://t.co/Hh5MgyAWxW


RT @ParkerOrtolani: It cannot be a coincidence that the “realityOS” trademark owned by a company that seemingly doesn’t exist and is specif…


RT @michaeljburry: US Personal Savings fell to 2013 levels, the savings rate to 2008 levels- while revolving credit card debt grew at a rec…


An invaluable quote from this deck:

“If the world outside your company is changing faster than the world inside your company, the end is near.”

– Jack Welch