If we really have to unleash notification storms, then alerts attached to Twitter lists would be immensely more useful, IMO. >

@Twitter is building a tool for keyword alerts, in case you need more Twitter notifications https://t.co/tMLxREqQNt


If you find the time to write a letter to your government against #NFTs (and make a big show out of it) but don’t find the time to do the same against guns, your ideas of what threatens society and your priorities need serious revision (or you are just exploiting for publicity).


How hard you try to overcome inertia and deliver something exceptional rather than thinking a box. How much you pay attention during meetings. The amount of time you spend thinking about what’s best for the customer. How often you risk your position to do what’s right.


“The company” doesn’t do these things. We do. A company sinks and dies or survives and thrives depending on how hard its people have worked to fight against mediocrity.


We talk about “companies” (especially large, legacy ones) as abstract entities with willpower and a life on their own. That’s an excuse to dodge accountability. Companies are made of people. And each and every one of them is accountable for their efforts and decisions. Every day.


In essence, when we communicate, we propagate one or more memes. And when we, for example, build a presentation or craft a speech, we try to create or select the memes that have the highest chance of replicating.

Embracing this theory dramatically changes the way you see things


Many people have heard that memes are/have been sold as #NFTs.
I’d rather argue that NFTs are a meme. And a very successful one (for now).


We really need to stop with this fantasy of #NoOps. It didn’t happen for 10+ years. As things stand, it won’t happen. Let go: https://t.co/R9GJFddltq >

From ITops to NoOps: Automox CEO on why organizations need to rethink the concept of automation https://t.co/yThIG0qsTQ


In essence, when we communicate, we propagate one or more memes. And when we, for example, build a presentation or craft a speech, we try to create or select the memes that have the highest chance of replicating.

Embracing this theory dramatically changed the way you see things