@memberful Second, to my readers: thank you for subscribing to this strange newsletter without even seeing the content. I warn you, it could get much weirder than it is right now if this takes off and I find people to help me.

Be careful.


@memberful Third, to all the people that have *involuntarily* provided material for the Free Edition of Synthetic Work Issue #1: @CathieDWood, @eladgil, @sonyatweetybird, @paulg, @Logitech, @AnthropicAI, @Microsoft, @kevinroose, @benthompson, @MParakhin, @OpenAI, @okcupid. Thank you!


@memberful @CathieDWood @eladgil @sonyatweetybird @paulg @Logitech @AnthropicAI @Microsoft @kevinroose @benthompson @MParakhin @OpenAI @okcupid Fourth, to all the people that have *involuntarily* provided material for the Splendid Edition of Synthetic Work Issue #1:@StanfordDaily, @emollick, @MelMitchell1, @VisualCap, @KalleyHuang, @AdityaKanu_, @WSJ, @PessimistsArc, @_akpiper, @SethGodinBlog. Thank you!


@memberful @CathieDWood @eladgil @sonyatweetybird @paulg @Logitech @AnthropicAI @Microsoft @kevinroose @benthompson @MParakhin @OpenAI @okcupid @StanfordDaily @emollick @MelMitchell1 @VisualCap @KalleyHuang @AdityaKanu_ @WSJ @PessimistsArc @_akpiper @SethGodinBlog Sixth, to all newsletter platforms out there: what are you doing?? Your products are atrocious.


@memberful @CathieDWood @eladgil @sonyatweetybird @paulg @Logitech @AnthropicAI @Microsoft @kevinroose @benthompson @MParakhin @OpenAI @okcupid @StanfordDaily @emollick @MelMitchell1 @VisualCap @KalleyHuang @AdityaKanu_ @WSJ @PessimistsArc @_akpiper @SethGodinBlog Fifth, to all the newsletter writers out there: are you NUTS?

You either have to write on a platform that makes every writer completely undifferentiated, & charges a fortune for the privilege, or you have to go for impossible acrobatics to copy & paste from website to newsletter


@camenduru @LumaLabsAI Vs? How much, on average, would it take to generate the 3D rendering of that 2D scene from a new angle with *non-instant* NeRF techniques?

This comparison is what I believe is the big deal worth mentioning.


Do you mean that, one day, I won’t feel rage anymore looking at the face geometry distortion of all my iPhone photos? https://t.co/POP5mANQOv


How come nobody in the #stablediffusion or the #AIart community is designing traditional card decks? Nobody plays cards anymore?

Look at this project:


Speaking of which: @DescriptApp, it’s time to introduce Overdub Voices for other languages. I now have a vested interest.