What are the companies that are actually implementing AI (and not just the generative type) to solve business problems? Synthetic Work has a growing database full of them:

If you want to know what your industry peers (or potential clients) are doing,… https://t.co/ZThmYcAFZs https://t.co/WPnkPQEsy5


So. @emroth08 tell us that free TV appliances are coming, courtesy of @ilyaNeverSleeps. The question in my mind is: what can you do with generative AI applied to the concept to revolutionize the business model (and advertising)?

First, my initial reaction: as I started my career… https://t.co/X8KZeAjUc5


To all people interested in generative AI for voice (aka TTS aka speech synthesis aka synthetic voices): the author of Tortoise TTS, @neonbjb, has published a paper worth reading: https://t.co/BA47IX4MK3 https://t.co/r7hdG55CVQ



To the neuroscientists and brain experts in my network: what happens, if anything, to our brain when a videogame becomes as realistic as a movie?

Is there a difference in how we are impacted compared to a movie? Or not yet because there’s no sensory… https://t.co/YhPji7jycQ


Hey @Flawlessai, do you only serve big Hollywood studios or is there a chance for me to test your tech? See below. https://t.co/Ok793bDSU1


Nice 1h, non-technical podcast about AI and large language models with @mpshanahan. I share with Murray a deep interest in neuroscience, consciousness, philosophy, and AI. So this podcast resonated particularly well.



@hardmaru I think that people have not looked enough in that direction because they don’t have the confidence that smaller models will perform as well or better than larger ones. So far, people have learned that bigger is better. And the 1T token rumour associated with GPT-4 doesn’t help.… https://t.co/GrRh5jgUu8


To all the non-technical people that tried ChatGPT, GPT-4, Stable Diffusion, Dall-E 2 once and never again because what they got out of it was “meh”: the way you ask your question to the AI influences the answer you get in a dramatic way.

I can’t stress this enough.

How you… https://t.co/XinFwfjfR1


Nice article on the Magic Editor, @emroth08.

“Call me some type of weird photo purist, but I’m not a fan of editing a photo in a way that would alter my memory of an event. If I was taking a picture of a wedding and the sky was cloudy, I wouldn’t think about swapping it for… https://t.co/QgnjGULYnP


Hey @Scobleizer, what have you seen that is reaaaaaaallllyyyyyy good at solving the problem below?

(the dubbing problem, not the GPT-4 Web Browsing time-out problem) https://t.co/Ok793bDSU1