In late 2019, I tried the @udacity class “#AI Product Manager Nanodegree” to see what is being taught to professionals entering this space or looking for a career change. Software quality used for training (Figure Eight) and submission reviews are poor. Absolutely not recommended


Why not for the public, @jigsaw? Ordinary people should be given the chance to defend themselves against manipulation, too. Sell it, if you need to.> Alphabet’s Jigsaw unveils a tool to help journalists spot deepfakes and manipulated images https://t.co/AnPU7eEmh9


Strategy requires an enormous amount of patience.
You plant an idea, and then you need to wait for it to become a realisation.
You find a pattern, and then you wait for others to see it too.
You expect a specific event, and then you wait for it to unfold.

Years of patience.


For years, on Twitter and LinkedIn, I said that a subscription economy is unsustainable for users. I’m not the only one, as @benlovejoy shows. More people will come to same conclusion >
Subscription apps – are they a sustainable business model https://t.co/r9ImLRj2IG


Now imagine if, one day soon, somebody suggests to use facial recognition also to track people that may have been in contact with contagious coronavirus patients. #PandorasBox > Moscow rolls out live facial recognition system with an app to alert police https://t.co/DDxEHSHGPd