This research from @barclaysib summarises what I’ve been referring to for the last 5 years when talking about “frictionless IT” and the need to rethink enterprise technologies to support the new generation. Gen Z won’t tolerate what most IT vendors offer today. https://t.co/c1CE9hercx


This is 100% applicable to IT, too. Must-read. > “It’s worth noting that fad beliefs are embraced precisely because they’re fad beliefs–temporary stories that bring solace, not breakthroughs in the long-term engineering of well being.” from Fads in belief https://t.co/xhHPHx66cx


Devs belong to the LoB. IT ops belong to Central IT.
LoBs see Central IT as bureaucracy: a necessary evil, hard to understand and appreciate, that slows you down and you try to avoid as much as possible.
Bureaucracy doesn’t need to improve, it has no competition to worry about.


BTW, today @Ansible Tower 3.4 is out, and it comes with new key workflow design capabilities (nested design, conditional wait, reusability across environments): https://t.co/UTDLxzTpfP

Normally I don’t mention product releases, but this is critical for the future of Ansible.


I find increasingly difficult to find quality products, clothes, restaurants, shops, etc. and increasingly difficult to find people that *really* care about quality. I have to curate every aspect of my life > Managing reputation in the age of infinity https://t.co/t13kopXUZ4


What happens if you combine #cybersecurity with #automation and #AI?
We got to a point where technology allows us to find out.
I have very specific ideas about this topic. The open source community (and the industry at large) has not been daring enough. Wild things could be done


@SeattleMaven @asymco @KING5Seattle @jwhittenbergK5 @wsdot_traffic @kcmetrobus @SoundTransit But people don’t buy cars because they are the most efficient transportation method, or the one with the smallest footprint, or the cleanest. They buy cars as private space and comfort. The pic sums *that* up.
Do you buy the smallest house or the most comfortable you can afford?