403552506502209536 Imagine enterprise prospects reaction to this fragmented answer. That’s exactly the problem in terms of #OpenStack leadership and vision. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403552506502209536
403552007900110848 Summarizing (ongoing) reactions to my post on #OpenStack from community: “Well, you know..yes..you kinda right..but..no..it’s complicated.” Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403552007900110848
403549760004841472 @hui_kenneth @virtualizedgeek @bryanwche Not what I see. Much more common is the hope that OpenStack is a free alternative to vCD or vCAC. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403549760004841472
403541919953080320 @virtualizedgeek @bryanwche Will it translate into actions? (not talking about RH specifically) Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403541919953080320
403540440328470528 Red Hat (@bryanwche GM Cloud Business) officially answers my last blog post on #OpenStack: http://t.co/bP3tLrgN9S Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403540440328470528
403539340909101056 @gigabarb You’ll see that, just like “cloud”, PaaS means a lot of different thing to a lot of different people.You’ll have to filter replies Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403539340909101056
403539131286167552 RT @gigabarb: Ok tech users. Who out there is using a PaaS? For realz. Serious question. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403539131286167552
403483027571216384 Alessandro the conspirator. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403483027571216384
403482494194159616 @virtualsteve I am sure people are paying a ton of attention to slides… Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403482494194159616
403295315652272128 @cloudpundit @ghaff If people continue to make that wrong assumption, it means that we can communicate better what we do and how we do it. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403295315652272128