403626325896077313 I wrote about what I saw and see about #OpenStack in very specific contexts. Not what I think about its value or long term viability. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403626325896077313
403625791864709121 Thanks @BButlerNWW for noting that I was not completely negative. Actually I didn’t write a single line about what I think of #OpenStack. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403625791864709121
403624799010045952 @cswolf Hey, not all my fault. The “again” part is @cloudpundit responsibility. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403624799010045952
403624628863909890 @geoffarnold The goal of my posts specifically was highlighting positions and intents, not use cases (where your post helps a lot). Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403624628863909890
403599110122799104 @virtualizedgeek @Knieriemen You should ask IDC colleagues. They are pretty friendly. I’m sure they’ll answer 🙂 Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403599110122799104
403595599884591105 @virtualizedgeek @Knieriemen I have no information to comment on their research. But I respectfully emphasize *planned to*, not *adopting*. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403595599884591105
403588132991672320 @richwatson And did you say bad words that cannot be repeated here? Just checking… Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403588132991672320
403585491184140288 I still mention @richwatson research in my papers. He left behind pretty great work. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403585491184140288
403582524427079680 But I counted 2 “agree” & 1 “strongly agree” from @bryanwche. So not really denying what I said. And I replied to you on my blog @Knieriemen Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403582524427079680
403567667246018560 @JohnTClarkII @hui_kenneth @virtualizedgeek That’s exactly the topic of a new research paper I’m finalizing today. I hope we’ll publish soon Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/403567667246018560