A Startup Worth Watching

TV Streaming
David Croyé
Added to Startups Worth Watching
JustWatch is a new streaming search engine - to help you find out where to watch movies legally. What’s new on Netflix, Hulu or iTunes? Where to watch your this movie you’ve been talking about? On JustWatch you can find all that in one app. To make the experience even more worthwhile, you can customize your individual settings and use easy and intuitive filters for providers like Google Play and Amazon Prime, many different genres or release year. Their goal is to connect movie fans with their favourite content worldwide.
JustWatch is starting out as a webapp optimized for tablets and smartphones. However, it works on laptops and computers too. For users, this service is completely free.
Their business model is to help movie studios advertise to the right audience. Therefore they are building a fully integrated adtech stack to be able to target those fans. Their goal is to make movie marketing a lot more efficient for advertisers and a lot less annoying and more valuable for users.
Source: Crunchbase