I’m thinking…imagine a phone distributed at global scale equipped with a dormant Trojan horse. Imagine the Th implements an #AI model for localized computer vision. Imagine it’s designed to recognise photos of specific objects/people and activates itself only to send them.


Apparently, I can still tell the different between Voicery synthetic voice and a human one: I scored 78% with their quiz, spotting the machine every time. But it’s a remarkable improvement over existing tech > #AI Is Giving Brands Eerily Human Voices https://t.co/wrxDXswIZI


There’s not much choice when:
1. The US and Canada own most #AI talents
2. Russia, China, and UAE declare a race become leading AI countries
3. the UK is preparing to leave the EU

“The fight to dominate AI and the rise of tech nationalism” https://t.co/RivH6A8RMT


In July 2017, for my 40th birthday, I wanted to do something special. So I built https://t.co/vsOnfgvwOg – a curated publication about #AI and #AR, #BionicProsthetics and #Wearables, #Biohacking, #GeneticEngineering, and #Nanorobotics.

Almost time for some more special with it.


I have an idea for an #art project. An actual artwork that could be exposed in a gallery. I have been obsessing about this for days. Get in touch if you are a data scientist based in #London, want to do something special in #AI (and never tried before in art), and have free time.