The book is an inconclusive yet fascinating series of hypothesis about how existing laws apply to current & future scenarios involving automated & autonomous weapons (from drones powered by #AI to supersoldiers augmented by bionic prosthetics and neural interfaces). Recommended. https://t.co/Bpxdbf5VHL


Even if you have close to zero understanding of #AI, you MUST watch this video. The implications of this technological progress, for example in a totalitarian regime, are profound. > Forget DeepFakes, Deep Video Portraits are way better (and worse) https://t.co/96WDCkl2mk


“Imaginary Soundscapes, is a convolutional neural network that hears sounds when it looks at images. Based on a given image, the software will choose from 15,000 sound files to find the “soundscape” that fits” > This #AI has synesthesia https://t.co/G6ZglN5ZnC


100 pages you want to read > “This report surveys the landscape of potential security threats from malicious uses of #AI technologies, and proposes ways to better forecast, prevent, and mitigate these threats”

The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence https://t.co/xHiE1CfQhw


If you think this will not happen all around the world, after China reported that they successfully tracked a suspect at a concert with 50,000 people thanks to #AI, you are crazy > Orlando Police scramble to defend Amazon facial recognition pilot https://t.co/0V03LD8zie