RT @hardmaru: As large models become prevalent, we’re going to see more use cases of smaller “large” models learning directly from the outp…


What is the most interesting academic paper you have read in 2022?

(I’m especially interested in papers about #AI, #Finance, #Neuroscience, or #Art, but I’m curious about any topic)


What is the most interesting academic paper you have read in 2022?

(I’m especially interested in papers about #AI, #Finance, #Art, but I’m curious about any topic)


The #metaverse. How it’s sold to you vs how it is:

(seen on Instagram today) https://t.co/bzgtEl56G2


On Reddit

“I’m a photographer incorporating #stablediffusion into my workflow. My main use right now is inpainting, but I’ve read about photographers creating/replicating entire photoshoots via SD, based on a custom, photorealistic model of the particular model they’re shooting”


Now imagine a horde of vocal photographers boycotting this under the hashtag #NoAIPhoto


RT @paulg: It would be funny if as AI technology progressed, the legal situation tightened so that they were only trainable on images that…


These incredible images are generated by #GenerativeAI. @siberiagur released a fine-tuned version of #stablediffusion 1.5 (not even 2.1) called Cinematic Diffusion.

Available for free here: https://t.co/krPXMvUnj7

Now you understand what’s happening? https://t.co/2gz6NSaeJa