RT @cantrell: Combining @Photoshop masking and @StableDiffusion negative prompting for insanely good and simple content-aware fill. https:/…
8/ I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for anything in the world.
1/ A bit of personal news: after almost 9 years, I have left Red Hat.
I’ve seen the company grow from 7,000 employees to 20,000.
I’ve been involved in the acquisition of Ansible and the merger with IBM.
Big experiences.
2/ As some of you have noticed, I’ve spent 7 of these 9 years refocusing my attention and expertise from enterprise IT technologies like cloud management and automation to artificial intelligence.
3/ For the entire 2022 (and more), I’ve led a big project to apply large language models to the world of IT automation. And in doing so, I had the privilege to work with very talented and hardworking machine learning engineers and data scientists at IBM Research.
4/ In my 23 years of career, I have seen a lot of tactical technologies, doomed to come and go, despite all the noise and handwaving, but I’ve seen very few strategic technologies that had the potential to change the world.
5/ We live in an incredible moment in our history, and today I see at least three of those strategic technologies. #AI is one of them.
There are hundreds of novel, groundbreaking ways to apply AI to enterprise and consumer solutions. Ways that I didn’t see anybody explore yet.
7/ There are millions of people that couldn’t bring their ideas to life until now. Generative AI will give them a voice louder and more powerful than anything we’ve ever heard.
So, that’s where I intend to remain focused for the time being.
6/ There are thousands of companies that will crumble under the competitive pressure of AI-first infrastructures, operating systems, and applications. And thousands of startups that will emerge from the ruins.
“If you want a breakthrough, or something at the top of the rankings, or a skill that few have, or the chance to build something you’re proud of…
It doesn’t pay to also require that it be convenient.”