410762386606673920 Customers beware of announced products that won’t be actually released before 6 months. Entire projects can be scraped in so much time. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410762386606673920
410523109230673920 @cody_bunch I don’t think so. I’ll check with VMware this Friday. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410523109230673920
410517729071075328 VMware vCAC 6.0 out: http://t.co/6VPtApdX0Q > it merges with vFabric Application Director, adds integration with Puppet, OpenStack and vCHS Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410517729071075328
410516534004830208 RT @marcelvandenber: VMware vCloud Automation Center 6.0 Released http://t.co/8nxizqybsF Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410516534004830208
410469517262094338 RT @mappingbabel: @mathewlodge @cloud_opinion Google’s internal infrastructure uses a freaky version of containerization – not a VM in sigh… Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410469517262094338
410469365709283329 @chrissanchez_ny A VLA tool has a subset of CMP capabilities (but some unique features). CMP entry level SKU should be a VLA tailored offer. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410469365709283329
410468585627484160 RT @cswolf: Oracle sponsors OpenStack – http://t.co/KER9gOzedH Microsoft next? Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410468585627484160
410465062051409920 Yet another org looking for a virtual lab automation tool. CMP vendors: are you waiting for me to set up an online petition before you act? Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410465062051409920
410152117748645888 Gartner’s Ronni Colville joins Twitter: @ronnicgartner > Follow her. Highly recommended. Thanks @aneel for the heads up. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410152117748645888
410054969321349120 RT @gigabarb: #Opscode gets new $32M in fresh dough, a new CFO, and a new name: #Chef http://t.co/R8HXmAUJ6s via @gigaom Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/410054969321349120