294772411226800128 RT @duncanyb: Introducing VMware vCenter™ Support Assistant™ 5.1 http://t.co/L2IM1bYR << Awesome! Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294772411226800128
294472806484299776 Believe or not, one of the many challenges in evaluating a CMP is understanding exactly what it does/doesn’t. Fear poor documentation. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294472806484299776
294470010154385409 Dear vendors: “multi-tenancy support” should mean support at all layers of your cloud management platform, and for all supported hypervisors Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294470010154385409
294433544686669825 “Support for multiple hypervisors” in CMPs must go beyond feature parity on basic life cycle mgmt. Example: what about scalability limits? Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294433544686669825
294366526587424768 @jwia Sure. Contact your Gartner client research assistant to setup one at your earliest convenience. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294366526587424768
294196020206776320 @jwia Some. Not many, which is exactly the point. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294196020206776320
294195078312914945 @jwia Good try Joe 🙂 Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294195078312914945
294142639824060417 In the race to build the perfect CMP, acquisitions will focus more & more on configuration and lifecycle mgmt, performance and capacity mgmt Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294142639824060417
294140197908672517 @VMware Invests $30 Million In @PuppetLabs: http://t.co/OJZdQ1PY > Key partnership given the growing demand for automated app provisioning Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294140197908672517
294014912852795392 Oracle VM 3.2.1 is out: http://t.co/5XVlYpKM > OVM Manager now supports both x86 and SPARC OVM Servers, MySQL as backend DB, mgmt over CLI Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/294014912852795392