401695886985932800 RT @OpenStackDC: #RedHat’s presentations on #OpenShift, #Openstack & #CloudForms from yesterday’s meetup are here http://t.co/nBwl0LaOth #D… Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401695886985932800
401454198354886656 @gunnarwb What I need you can’t provide. So, in this case, you did a great work. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401454198354886656
401445343575158784 RT @cloudpundit: CloudPundit blog: Infrastructure resilience, fast VM restart, and Google Compute Engine http://t.co/iBQDOFPkCa Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401445343575158784
401445240923783169 RT @kylehilgendorf: New research from @SimonSDN “Hybrid Cloud Network Architecture – http://t.co/qnIYwNlDEm > great read 4 GTP clients work… Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401445240923783169
401380212006719488 RT @gigabarb: Cisco CEO: ‘Never Seen’ Such a Falloff in Orders http://t.co/9PAHzxXXc0 Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401380212006719488
401380008687841280 Ahead Of Possible IPO, King Reveals “Candy Crush” Hits Half A Billion Installs, 150 Billion Plays To Date < I'm in the wrong business... Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401380008687841280
401364808144277504 Final touches on my “Climbing the Cloud Orchestration Curve” research paper. I’ll submit to peer review next week. Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401364808144277504
401280989563195392 PuppetConf video on VMware vFAD 6.0 (and vCAC soon) integration with Puppet: http://t.co/yZ11dzU8EK < Pay attention (demo starts at 18:08). Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401280989563195392
401273322664902656 Thinking about potential applications (especially security focused ones) leveraging the new AWS Kinesis service. PaaS enough for you? Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401273322664902656
401109476591546368 Wolfram announces ‘most important’ project: a programming language that models the world: http://t.co/c8tcpmU6TK Original tweet: https://twitter.com/giano/status/401109476591546368